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Season 6

The Problems With Coming of Age
Girls in Samoan dresses stare up at a screen in the sky which includes images of Margaret Mead and a Samoan friend. A large number 6 is placed over the whole image.

Production Team


  • Jocelyn Gonzales, Executive Producer
  • Ari Daniel, Senior Editor
  • Rithu Jagannath, Producer
  • Ashraya Gupta, Associate Producer
  • Morgan Church, Business Manager
  • Edwin Ochoa, Project Manager
  • Terence Bernardo, Audio Mastering


  • Chip Colwell, Executive Producer
  • Sia Figiel, Producer
  • Tanya Volentras, Senior Producer
  • Esteban Gómez, Senior Producer
  • Salamasina Figiel, Field Producer
  • Sophie Muro, Digital Editor
  • Christine Weeber, Copy Editor
  • Celina T. Zhao, Fact Checker

Humanities Advisers

  • Agustín Fuentes, Princeton University
  • Nancy Kates, Independent Filmmaker
  • Don Kulick, Uppsala University
  • David M. Lipset, University of Minnesota
  • Nancy Lutkehaus, University of Southern California
  • Danilyn Rutherford, Wenner-Gren Foundation
  • Paul Shankman, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Lisa Uperesa, University of Auckland
Where to Listen?