Table of contents
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 first-stage rocket lands at Florida’s Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in February 2017.

The Key to Survival, In Space

We already have the tools we need. It’s time to use them.

How to Host an Extraterrestrial

You might be a superb host to human guests, but if an alien showed up on your doorstep looking for some hospitality, would your usual offerings be enough?
words matter

The Power of the Dictionary

Dictionaries are typically viewed as being value-neutral. But they are just as steeped in culture and prejudice as the rest of the world—and they have the power to shape what we see as “normal.”

Interplanetary Environmentalism (Part 2)

If you missed my previous post, please see Interplanetary Environmentalism (Part 1).
On April 24, 2016, NASA's rover Curiosity photographed a hole drilled into the surface of Mars to test the composition of Martian rocks.

Interplanetary Environmentalism (Part 1)

In the possibility of terraforming mars, we must consider a new kind of interplanetary environmentalism that acknowledges the anthropocene.

Our Living Message for Extraterrestrials

A brief encounter with a new artificial intelligence suggests we may not be able to control the message we send to extraterrestrial intelligences.
In October 2015, Russian scientists began Moon-2015, a simulated mission to the moon and back.

Unmanning Space Language

Do the terms we commonly use to discuss space exploration reflect the reality of humankind and our engagements with outer space?

Anthropologists in Outer Space

Anthropologists studying space might sound like fringe science, but they've been at it a long time, from archaeoastronomy to ethnoastronomy.

Wandering Among the Stars

It is no longer a question of whether humans will move into space, but when. Now we ask what kind of future we imagine for humans in space.