Table of contents
An adult and three children stand next to a large beige mammoth skull with a hole in the center and two shiny tusks.

The Deep Human Story of Collecting Fossils

Dinosaur eggs, trilobites, and other fossils have intrigued humans for hundreds of thousands of years, inspiring their creative pursuits and their understanding of the natural world.
Un adulto y tres niños se encuentran junto a un gran cráneo de mamut de color beige con un agujero en el centro y dos colmillos brillantes.

Los primeros paleontólogos fueron antiguos homínidos

Huevos de dinosaurio, trilobites y otros fósiles han intrigado a los humanos durante cientos de miles de años, inspirando sus búsquedas creativas y su comprensión del mundo natural.

Ancient Beer Is Craft’s New Frontier

Scientists are partnering with brewers to taste test ancient recipes and sip a long-lost past.
venice quarantine history

Venice’s Black Death and the Dawn of Quarantine

Archaeological research is unearthing Venice’s quarantine history to illuminate how the Italian city created a vast public health response 700 years ago and helped lay the modern foundation for coping with pandemics.
early human migrations

Will Asia Rewrite Human History?

Politics, geography, and tradition have long focused archaeological attention on the evolution of Homo sapiens in Europe and Africa. Now, new research is challenging old ideas by showing that early human migrations unfolded across Asia far earlier than previously known.
Baby carriers—an ancient tool adapted to modern times—offer parents a way to bond with their child and express their individuality.

How Babywearing Went Mainstream

Strapping a baby to one’s torso used to be taboo in the West. Now the practice has given rise to a community that stretches around the globe.
Yardenit Baptismal

How Tourism Reinvented Jesus’ Baptism Site

Pilgrims and tourists are flocking to a baptismal site in the Holy Land in search of religious experience—and souvenirs.