Abstract Magazine: up to 5 poems, essays up to 1,000 words, see website to submit
Agony Opera: no limit, mail to agonyopera@gmail.com
Alternating Current: up to 6, history themed, submit on Submittable
Autumn Sky Poetry Daily: send 1 poem to autumnskypoetryeditor@gmail.com
Beltway Poetry Quarterly: beltwaypoetrysubmissions@gmail.com
Blue Minaret: up to 3 poems, chronicles Muslim experience
Braided Way: focus spiritual practice, send to Laura@braidedway.org
Breath and Shadow: up to 3 poems, accept essays and fiction, focus is people living with disabilities
Broadkill Review: up to 6 poems
Brown Bag Online: up to 5 poems, accept essays
Califragile: up to 5 poems, send to califragilepoetry@gmail.com
Chantarelle’s Notebook: up to 5 poems, send to chantarellesnotebook@yahoo.com
Communicators League: up to 5 poems, focus is to bridge the gap between arts and humanity
Commuter Lit: one poem, also accept essays
Constellate Literary Journal: send to constellatesubmission@gmail.com
Corvus Review: up to 3 poems
East Coast Literary Review: 1–5 poems, form online or email to eastcoastliteraryreview@gmail.com
Eunoia Review: up to 10 poems, creative nonfiction up to 15,000 words, Singapore-based, committed to “beautiful thinking”
First Literary Review: up to 3 poems, email to poet2680@aol.com
Fragmented Voices: up to 4 poems, prose up to 3,000 words
fresh.ink magazine: stories up to 5,000 words
Front Porch Review: 1–5 poems, evergreen essays, email to gphillips938@comcast.net
Ginosko Literary Journal: flexible, submit on Submittable
Kaleidoscope Magazine: up to 5 poems, focus is on disabilities
Lady/Liberty/Lit: up to 3 poems, creative nonfiction up to 1,200 words, “women-identifying and gender-nonconforming writers who address experiences of, and ideas about, freedom of voice and body”
Lascaux Review: up to 5 poems, creative nonfiction, essays, literary journalism
Mediterranean Poetry: send to submit@odyssey.pm, poetry centered on the Mediterranean
Northwest Indiana Literary Journal: submit 1 poem, email to erniepyle18@gmail.com, “emerged from a working class, blue-collar community just outside of Chicago, it favors authenticity and directness”
Peculiar: A Queer Literary Journal: 1–6 poems, prose up to 3,500 words, open to contributors who identify as queer/LGBTQIA+
Peripheries: 1–6 poems, also accept fiction and personal essays
Pink Panther magazine: up to 5 poems, also accept fiction and essays, women-only magazine
Poetry Pacific: up to 5 poems, email to editors.pp@gmail.com
Poetry Pause: up to 5 if member of League of Canadian Poets, authors must be based in Canada
Portland Metrozine: 1–5 poems, also accept fiction and nonfiction, email to brk@portlandmetrozine.com
Postscript Magazine: 1–3 poems, also accept fiction and nonfiction, themed issues, focus is to push against conventional modes of thinking about culture and society (particularly in non-Western and/or marginalized settings)
PPP Ezine: 3–5 poems, email to rajnishmishravaranasi@gmail.com
Reckoning: 3–5 poems, also accept speculative fiction and creative nonfiction, focus is writing and art about environmental justice
Saffron Lit: up to 5 poems, fiction and nonfiction up to 3,000 words, email to saffronliterature@gmail.com, authors must be of Middle Eastern/North African and/or South, Central, or West Asian descent
Screen Door Review: 3–5 poems, authors are individuals belonging to the Southern queer (LGBTQ+) community of the United States
Shanti Arts: themed calls
Soul Lit: A Journal of Spiritual Poetry: up to 4 poems, email to peacechaplain@aol.com
Sub-Saharan Magazine: poems less than 40 lines, stories up to 2,000 words, email to submissions@subsaharanmagazine.com, authors are both Africans and non-Africans but are rooted in African cultures
Subjectiv: up to 5 poems, stories 2,000 words or less, open to residents of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, or British Columbia
The Broken City: up to 5 poems, also accept essays
The Font: up to 3, send to submissions@thefontjournal.com, “on the theme of language teaching or learning, particularly abroad”
The Galway Review: 3–5 poems, submit to thegalwayreview@gmail.com
The Jewish Literary Journal: up to 5 poems
The Lake: up to 5 poems
The Lumiere Review: up to 5 poems, submit to thelumierereview@gmail.com
The Rising Phoenix Review: 1–5 poems, see website, writing that actively engages the social issues of our time
The Wax Paper: up to 5 poems, stories up to 5,000 words
Transcendent Zero Press: up to 5 poems
Best New Poets: nominate your own work
Lascaux Contests: for poetry and creative nonfiction
Palette Poetry: Previously Published Poetry Prize: submit up to 3 poems
Thank you to Trish Hopkinson for her original post “Where to Submit Reprints,” which was a primary source for this list.