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Several women wearing heavy coats push baby carriages on a path at a border checkpoint, with people dressed in uniforms walking behind and next to them.

The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis’ Double Standard

The warm welcome Ukrainian refugees have received contrasts sharply with the punitive treatment of those from the Middle East and Africa.
A panicked crowd presses against a desk with several people sitting behind computers in a small room.

How Bureaucracy Conceals Obligations to Afghan Refugees

Tens of thousands of Afghans who helped the U.S. during a 20-year war were recently left behind in Afghanistan, despite promises to keep them safe. Anthropological research sheds light on how paperwork and logistics serve as convenient covers for the U.S. to escape its moral obligations.
immigrants refugees vaccination - Undocumented populations often rely on small clinics, such as the Terra Nova Medical Group in Oakland, California (pictured here), that specifically serve uninsured or low-income communities.

What Is Vaccination Equity?

With the COVID-19 vaccine rollout now underway, some immigrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers are being left behind.
Many who attempt to migrate to safety, such as those shown here crossing the Mediterranean Sea in 2016, are in even more precarious situations now due to the ongoing pandemic.

Coronavirus Is Killing the Hope of Asylum

The pandemic has deepened the crisis for the millions of migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers who have nowhere to turn in the face of closed ports and seas emptied of rescue boats.
Asylum-seeker Behrouz Boochani stands near the abandoned naval base on Manus where he was imprisoned during the first three years of his exile on the island.

Offshoring Responsibility for Asylum-Seekers

Australia’s offshore detention and asylum processing centers on Manus and Nauru islands have elicited global criticism—and praise. Will they become the new model for other nations?
African asylum seekers - Sprawling, makeshift camps in the mountains of northern Morocco are home to large numbers of sub-Saharan Africans who await their chance to cross into Spain.

For African Asylum-Seekers, a Treacherous Journey Is Only the Beginning

Every year, tens of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans risk their lives for the chance to gain official refugee status in Europe. Of the few who make it to European soil, most are deported.