Table of contents
How a Song Bridged Diné and Ndebele Worlds

An anthropologist recounts a magical moment of songwriting collaboration between Diné (Navajo) and Ndebele artists gathered for the WOMAD Festival…

How Black Caribbean Communities Are Reviving an Ancestral Dance Tradition

An interview with anthropologist Camee Maddox-Wingfield explores how practitioners of bèlè on the island of Martinique find agency, healing, and connection.

What Did the Stone Age Sound Like?

A team of archaeologists is working to uncover whether ancient objects in South Africa were once used as sound tools to make noise or music.

dear gretas

An anthropologist offers a letter-poem for the pandemic era to environmental activist Greta Thunberg—and to the rest of us—while re-envisioning our species as Humo ludens collaborans (humorous playful collaborators).

Tapping Into Ancient Soundscapes

An archaeologist shares the results of new research on musical instruments in Southern Africa.

When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets, Music Filled Them

A singer-songwriter anthropologist who has been experiencing Italy’s COVID-19 quarantine reflects on how pandemic-inspired songs connect people and reveal shifting power dynamics.

Digging Up Woodstock

An archaeological investigation of the famous festival site unearthed evidence hidden in the haze of memory.

The Deep Roots of Navajo Country Music

An anthropologist explores how one Native American community embraces country music and makes it their own.

Why Navajos Love Their Country Music

An anthropologist who is also a singer-songwriter explores how Southwestern Native bands shake up the notion of “cowboys and Indians.”

A Double Bass, Tree Rings, and the Truth

Growth rings in wood can be used to date some surprising objects—even stringed instruments.