Kenyan Mothers Take on Police Violence

In Nairobi, members of the Mothers of Victims and Survivors Network, who have lost family members to police violence, are turning their grief into determined activism.

“The State” Is a Story We Tell Ourselves

After a nail-biting election that dragged on for weeks, officials have finally named Peru’s next president. An anthropologist explains the country’s recent upheavals and shows how nation-states are “ideological artifacts” that attribute morality to the amoral goings on of the government.

How Museums Can Do More Than Just Repatriate Objects

It is beautiful when museums go beyond returning objects toward “propatriation”—collaborating to commission new objects for display.

Why We Need a Truth Commission on White Supremacy

The U.S. should learn from transitional justice initiatives in other countries and implement a formal plan to reckon with the deeply harmful legacies of racism and European colonialism.

The Fight to Secure Rights for Rainforests

The Sarayaku people of Ecuador seek legal protection for Amazonian plants and animals. Anthropologist Eduardo Kohn’s work on “thinking forests” might help.

A Radical Recentering of Dignity

An anthropologist explores the political demands that will rewrite Chile’s constitution—and the calls for joy, freedom, and dignity that may help democracy flourish.

Without Norms, Societies Fall Apart

Written rules about how to govern only work if they are backed up by unwritten values shared across the political spectrum. Over the past four years, Donald Trump’s relentless attacks on U.S. democratic norms have taken a toll.

Facing COVID-19 as an Undocumented Essential Worker

The pandemic has made visible the vulnerabilities that many undocumented immigrants in the U.S. face on a daily basis.

An Archaeology of Marijuana

How did cannabis—a plant humans have been using for more than 10,000 years—become so vilified in the U.S.?

Reclaiming the Ancestors: Indigenous and Black Perspectives on Repatriation, Human Rights, and Justice

Bringing together Indigenous and Black voices, this panel discussion finds common ground in the struggle for repatriation and assertion of sovereignty and human rights.