What Misspellings Reveal About Cultural Evolution

When transmitting information to one another, humans tend to make certain mistakes more than others. A cognitive anthropologist explains why that matters to cultural stability and change.

The Evolution of Throwing

Homo sapiens has a throwing arm that sets our species apart from all others—now athletes are helping anthropologists understand this prowess.

Who Is the Nesher Ramla Homo?

An international team of archaeologists has uncovered ancient remains that add new dimensions to the story of human evolution.

How Apes Reveal Human History

Great apes provide a window into the story of human evolution—and that’s one more reason to protect them.

Discovering Africa’s Oldest Burial

A team of archaeologists are busy learning about human evolution, symbolism, and ritual from the remains of a child laid to rest in a Kenyan cave during the Middle Stone Age—the oldest-known human burial on the African continent to date.

Mapping Human and Neanderthal Genomes

The Human Genome Project first published the modern human genome 20 years ago, and the Neanderthal genome was sequenced a little more than a decade ago. What do these maps mean for our understanding of humanity?

Is Love a Biological Reality?

Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist at the Kinsey Institute and an adviser to the dating site Match.com, studies human mating to explain the mysteries of romance, partnership, and lust.

A Startling Link Between Neanderthals and COVID-19

Researchers recently announced a discovery that connects Neanderthal DNA and people who experience severe symptoms from COVID-19. Hugo Zeberg, one of the scientists who led the study, speaks with SAPIENS host Chip Colwell.

A Vaccine Will Not Be Enough

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep across the globe, biological anthropologist Agustín Fuentes explains how the virus is a “biosocial” phenomenon.

What’s Behind Humanity’s Love-Hate Relationship With Exercise?

Evolutionary history can help resolve the question of why so many people desire a physical break even when their bodies need movement.