How Our Modern Lifestyles Perpetuate Slavery

“Human trafficking” brings to mind sex slavery and extreme human rights abuses. But an equally pernicious, lesser-known form of slavery persists in the U.S. and elsewhere.

The Lost City That’s Not Lost, Not a City, and Doesn’t Need to Be Discovered

Modern explorers can fly over a jungle to “discover” an ancient site, but the people living in those rainforests already have extensive knowledge about their region’s history. Here’s why researchers should work with residents—not over them.

Why We Need Transnational Social Protection for Migrants

Despite the recent rise in nationalism in the U.S. and Europe, international migration will continue to be part of our world.

The Ethical Battle Over Ancient DNA

Researchers who study the DNA of ancient Native Americans have been learning how to collaborate with American Indian tribes instead of fighting them over ancestral human remains. But a recent case suggests still more sensitivity is needed.

Locking Up Families Is Inhumane—and Unconstitutional

The United States is imprisoning more and more asylum-seekers from Central America—including mothers and children—in detention centers, perpetuating a culture of fear and hatred toward immigrants.

The Key to Survival, In Space

We already have the tools we need. It’s time to use them.

Why We Yearn for the Simple Life

Six social scientists debate why philosophies of simplicity arise and endure, and why it can be so hard to live…

A Weak Commission Brought Forth Survivors’ Truths, but Has It Made Reconciliation Possible?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada gave voice to the violence committed in Indian residential schools. Unfortunately, it failed to fully achieve either healing or justice among many of those involved.

The World Hates Fat People

Being overweight is stigmatized in most countries around the world. But does obsessive talk about excess fat lead to weight reduction—or to cruel, useless shaming?

The Problem With Heritage

From Palmyra in Syria to Timbuktu in Mali, a wave of destruction has erased monuments to humanity’s past. Does their loss really matter?