How Globalization Has Broken the Chain of Responsibility

In today’s accelerating and overheating world, the gap between the people affected by change in local environments and the people in charge is growing ever wider.

Carbon Farmers Work to Clean Up the World’s Mess

In Costa Rica—and increasingly in other countries—sustainable agriculture is taking on new meaning and value due to climate change.

How Volcanoes Destroy and Nurture Societies

Centuries of hardship from volcanic eruptions transformed ancient communities in the Ecuadorian Andes region into a complex, artistic, and warlike civilization.

What Clam Thermometers Tell Us About Past Climates

Scientists are taking an unusual approach to studying how Native Alaskans lived and hunted thousands of years ago—and how they may have adapted to climate change.

Archaeology’s Search for History Hidden in Ice

As high-elevation ice patches melt due to climate change, artifacts and stories long held in ice are being revealed. This fragile heritage needs to be acknowledged and protected.

How Fracking’s Appetite for Sand Is Devouring Rural Communities

Small towns in western Wisconsin are being divided by a little-known mining boom. An anthropologist who lives in the region set out to understand why.

How a Eurasian Steppe Empire Coped With Decades of Drought

Centuries before the Mongols took over the Eurasian steppe, the horse nomads of the Uyghur Empire responded to an epic drought through clever trade deals and unlikely alliances.

Western Science Is Finally Catching Up to Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Time and again, Western researchers are realizing that Indigenous peoples have long had sophisticated insights and deep wisdom about the world.

What the Archaeology of Night Reveals

Studying ancient peoples’ nocturnal lives shows us why we should begin working to reclaim the darkness.

How Chinese Immigrants Built—and Lost—a Shellfish Industry

They founded California’s first commercial abalone fisheries, but after a few short decades, they were forced out by institutional racism. Let’s not repeat the same mistakes with current and future immigrants.