How to Make Climate Change Feel Real

On Earth Day’s 50th anniversary, anthropological research reveals how complex, global problems can be made tangible through experience, empathy—and play.

The Tragic Intersection of the Coronavirus and Ecotourism

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the flaws and risks in a supposedly sustainable model of travel. The crisis may push ecotourism advocates to consider new strategies.


Like smoky spirals, two cultures weave together in a SAPIENS contest-winning poem by an anthropologist who worked with Sámi reindeer herders in the Arctic Circle.

Why Poetry + Anthropology?

SAPIENS’ first poetry contest received dozens of remarkable entries. A total of five winning poems will be featured for World Poetry Day in March and National Poetry Month in April. Find out why we think anthropological poetry matters.

The Fish Trap

SAPIENS celebrates World Poetry Day with a poem by an anthropologist-poet who works with Indigenous peoples in Latin America.

Gasping for Air in the Time of COVID-19

Suffocating air pollution and a fog of censored information in China are leading to higher fatalities from the virus. Will this outbreak clear the air?

When Marine Mammals Clash With Archaeological Heritage

On California’s San Miguel Island, seals and sea lions are taking a heavy toll on the area’s cultural treasures.

How Eating Rat Stew Serves Hobbit Research

Researchers are feasting on giant Indonesian rodents to uncover clues about hobbit-like hominins.

The Bitter Side of Cocoa Production

An anthropologist works to give producers a voice in the chocolate industry, taking a lesson from high-end coffee, wine, and cheese.

What Really Happened at Herculaneum?

A new study offers insight into the lives lost when Italy’s Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79.