New Hominin Shakes the Family Tree—Again

What does the discovery of Homo luzonensis mean for our understanding of humanity’s history?

A Head-to-Toe Tour of the Neanderthal

The Neanderthal body has stories to tell about the life and times of our ancient hominin cousins.

Fat, Not Meat, May Have Led to Bigger Hominin Brains

A new theory challenges assumptions about when and how our ancestors altered their behaviors to boost brainpower.

Who Decided It Was Bad to Be Fat?

Westerners have long shunned obese people, and this attitude now pervades much of the globe. Was this always the case?

Secrets Hidden in Ancient Teeth

Astonishing new research shows that fossil teeth, like trees, contain detailed records of the environments in which they grew.

Why Don’t More Humans Eat Bugs?

Around the world, at least two billion people routinely consume insects. One anthropologist believes geography and colonization can explain why some populations are too squeamish to stomach such foods.

What Our Skeletons Say About the Sex Binary

Society increasingly accepts gender identity as existing along a spectrum. The study of people, and their remains, shows that sex should be viewed the same way.

Why Can’t Most Humans Drink Milk?

A 3,200-year-old piece of cheese from Egypt is providing more evidence about how humans evolved to consume dairy products.

The Myth of Badass Sperm

We’ve all been taught that human fertilization is an Olympic-style competition. The truth is that it’s much more like a gigantic lottery.

Why Can’t Apes Talk?

A recent study suggests they’ve got the voice but not the brains.