Baltimore’s Toxic Legacies Have Reached a Breaking Point

In a new book, an anthropologist reveals the heavy tolls industries have placed on residents in this eastern U.S. city.…

Bila Mwili

A poet-historian in Tanzania remembers those who have passed but who are still nearby. “Bila Mwili” is part of the…

What It’s Like to Grow Old on the Margins

In a brief documentary, an anthropologist provides a glimpse into the precarious lives of poor older Peruvians whose experiences mirror…

Inside Mexico City’s Surveillance State

An anthropologist investigates how one city’s rapidly expanding video surveillance system is transforming criminal investigation—sometimes in deeply flawed ways. ✽…

Excavating a 19th-Century Detroit Saloon

A filmmaker highlights the work of urban archaeologists who are excavating the site of a woman-owned business that opened in…

In Delhi, Women Find Their Place on the Metro

Over the past two decades, the subway system has reshaped social relations in India’s densely populated capital—especially for women, who…

In Lebanon, Solar Power Is Booming. Why?

An anthropologist explores whether Lebanese turning to solar power is a story of resilience, environmental triumph, or something else. ✽…

What Kenya’s Killer Cops Reveal About Police Culture

Anthropologists studying police violence in Nairobi are uncovering systemic problems that shed light on brutal law enforcement tactics around the world.

Kenyan Mothers Take on Police Violence

In Nairobi, members of the Mothers of Victims and Survivors Network, who have lost family members to police violence, are turning their grief into determined activism.

How Many People Lived in the Angkor Empire?

Archaeologists working with an interdisciplinary team have estimated the population of the ancient Greater Angkor Region in Cambodia at its peak in the 13th century.