What It Means to be Human in an Asylum

A sociocultural anthropologist from Pakistan speaks to how women in asylums in a patriarchal culture are in a battle between…

Two Myths Fueling the Conservative Right’s Dangerous Transphobia

An anthropologist attends the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)—ground zero for the current onslaught of anti-trans rhetoric and legislation in…

In Delhi, Women Find Their Place on the Metro

Over the past two decades, the subway system has reshaped social relations in India’s densely populated capital—especially for women, who…

Centering Black Lives in the Study of Human Remains

A contributor to a special series on decolonizing anthropology reckons with bioarchaeology’s racist past by focusing on Black women’s creativity…

Broadening Demands for Reproductive Justice

An interview with anthropologist Dána-Ain Davis digs into abortion rights and reproductive justice after the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of…

Purple in Cycles

A poet-anthropologist speaks to the labyrinthine experiences of domestic violence—the entrapment, the hope for freedom. ✽ During the final week…

When Women Answer the Call of Duty

From Syria to Ukraine, the sight of women taking up arms to fight for a cause calls audiences to attention.…

What Is Freedom in a Brazilian Favela?

In a new book, Minoritarian Liberalism, an anthropologist explores how favela residents of Rio de Janeiro create their own versions…

What’s Behind the Backlash to Lightyear’s Animated Kiss?

What do Twitter debates over Disney-Pixar’s recent family film tell us about today’s parenting politics in the U.S.? ✽ On…

How a Coerced Confession Shaped a Family History

A researcher delves into her family’s oral history and local archives to tell the story of a relative—falsely accused as…